Collection: Pachira

Pachira aquatica is a commonly found houseplant called a money tree. The plant is also known as Malabar chestnut or Saba nut. Money tree plants often have their slender trunks braided together and are a low maintenance option for artificially lit areas. Money tree plant care is easy and based upon just a few specific conditions.

Money tree plants are native from Mexico to northern South America. The trees can get up to 60 feet (18 m.) in their native habitats but are more commonly small, potted ornamental specimens. The plant has slim green stems topped with palmate leaves.

In their native region, money tree plants produce fruits that are oval green pods divided into five chambers inside. The seeds within the fruit swell until the pod bursts. Roasted nuts taste a bit like chestnuts and can be ground into flour.

The plants get their name because the Feng Shui practice believes it will bring luck to the owner of this fun little plant.

9 products

Pachira - Pudu Ria Florist

Pachira at a Glance