Roses, with their unique combination of thorny stems and fragrant blossoms, are often prized a symbol of achievement, completion and perfection: After having met the long stems with the thorns, you are rewarded with a flower of great beauty. In other words, roses act as a metaphor for life: After overcoming difficulty, you will find inner harmony, union, and happiness.
The color of a rose is also associated with symbolic meanings. Each rose color, and even the rose blossom shape and age (i.e. rose buds as opposed to fully bloomed roses), conveys a different meaning or silent message from the giver to the recipient.
Thered rose symbolizes romance, love, beauty, and courage. Ared rosebudsignifies beauty and purity. A thornless red rose means love at first sight.
Yellow rosessymbolize friendship and joy, and new beginnings.
Orange roses symbolize fascination, desire, and sensuality.
Pink rosesindicate appreciation and gratitude, especially dark pink roses.Light pink rosesare usually indicative of admiration and/or sympathy.
Thewhite rosestands for innocence and purity; also silence, secrecy, and reverence.White rosebudsare symbolic of girlhood. Brides often select white roses for their bridal bouquets.
Here are some simple tips to help keep fresh cut flowers fresh:
Keep them away from sunlight or any heat source.
Give the stems a diagonal trim and place them in clean, cool water.
Change the water every 2-3 days.
Make sure you remove any leaves that are beneath the water line.
Always display dried flowers indoors, to keep them protected from the elements.
Keep your dried flowers away from direct sunlight, areas of bright light and away from humidity.
Sprinkling water or perfume can cause damage
Avoid crushing, pressing or folding flower.
If the preserved flower is stained by the dust, you can clean the preserved flower with the blower blowing softly 20cm away from the flower.
Temperature changes should be avoided to prevent humidity which could affect your blossoms.
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Image Disclaimer
Despite every effort to provide accurate images of each product's color and design, actual colors and design may vary slightly, due to different device screen settings, the lighting in the location, slight differences in product finishes over time and other factors.
In purchasing from Pudu Ria Florist, you agree to accept the small risk that there will be a slight variation between the actual color and design, and the presentation on our website.